Knowledge-Based Explanations of Cyber-Physical Systems

Fellow: Sorin Arion


We will transfer modern Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR&R) techniques for introspective reasoning and self-programming invented in the field of cognitive robotics to the problem domain of self-explanation. These KR&R techniques, called digital twin Knowledge Representation & Reasoning (dtKR&R), KR&R (dtKR&R), enable robot agents to accomplish serve underdetermined task requests such as ‘‘set the table’’ and ‘‘bring me something to drink’’, to perform an action without causing unwanted side effects, and understand what they are doing, why, and how. They represent robots and their environments, that is a subclass of CPSs, as virtual reality scene graphs, which facilitate the photo-realistic rendering and physical simulation. dtKR&R also links substructures of the scene graph to ontologies and thereby make making the substructures machine-understandable and -interpretable.