10 Doctoral Researchers / Research Associate (m/f/d) on Self-Explaining Digitally Controlled Systems

The Research Training Group CAUSE invites applications for doctoral researchers full time, fully funded until finalizing the PhD degree for 3 years plus a potential extension of a fourth year. The remuneration is in accordance with E13 TV-L. Positions start from November 1st, 2024.

The three universities Hamburg University of Technology, University of Bremen, and Carl-von-Ossietzky University of Oldenburg jointly run CAUSE. While your primary occupation will be with one of these three universities, you will participate in an intense cooperation and exchange program with joint supervision by internationally renowned researchers from all three sites.

The acronym CAUSE expands to Concepts and Algorithms for – and Usage of – Self-Explaining Digitally Controlled Systems. Digitally controlled systems are pervasive in our everyday life from transport to health-care. CAUSE aims at making digitally controlled systems self-explaining to the benefit of developers, operators, interoperability, and other systems. CAUSE is a research, education, and networking hub for future researchers. Topic-wise CAUSE covers all layers from system-of-systems over software stacks to digital hardware. Doctoral researchers in CAUSE will tightly interact to study cross-level effects of self-explanation considering a virtual wind park as a demonstrator.

The 10 topics for the 10 open positions can be found here. Applicants should explain their interest in one or more of these topics.


  • Pursue a PhD in a structured research training group
  • Join our network of researchers teaming up on the research endeavor of self-explanation
  • Exposure to an international environment, guest researchers, and educational program
  • Present your research results at international top conferences
  • Stay abroad at international partner universities or engage in research internships in industry
  • Receive a highly competitive salary. The salaries are following the German E13 TV-L including benefits of German public service like courses for personal talent management. The initial contract runs for 3 years; a forth year is granted upon adequate progess
  • Work and live in a lively Northern German city
  • Join a university that is family-friendly and sustainable with high performance and quality standards


  • Research on self-explanation in one of the CAUSE topics
  • Publish your research results in peer-reviewed journals and presenting at international conferences
  • Interact and team up with your fellow doctoral researchers
  • Collaborate with our industrial partners, with other researchers


  • Excellent Master of Science degree in Computer Science or a tightly related area (potentially ongoing, completed by November 1st, 2024)
  • Proficiency in English speaking and writing
  • Ability to work in a research team
  • Very good programming, scientific communication, and writing skills
  • Experience in relation to the CAUSE topics selected in the application is a plus
  • Interest in scientific problems and the motivation for independent and goal-oriented research

For further information please contact Prof. Görschwin Fey (TU Hamburg), Prof. Rolf Drechsler (Univ. of Bremen), or Prof. Martin Fränzle (Univ. of Oldenburg).

We particularly encourage women to apply. Due to their underrepresentation in computer science, they will be given priority in cases of equal suitability, qualifications and professional performance.

Please send your complete application documents (cover letter, curriculum vitae in table form, proof of (soon to be) completed training and/or university degree, job references or certificates of employment) via the online application system of TUHH. Applications will be evaluated by CAUSE researchers and administrative personnel of the three participating universities. The application deadline is July 31, 2024.

Submit your application via the online application system of TUHH.