Executable Explanations of Control Software for Wind Turbines

3 September 2024

by Dr. Gianluca Martino

We are excited to share that Prof. Sibylle Schupp recently participated in the Dagstuhl Seminar “Power, Energy, and Carbon-Aware Computing on Heterogeneous Systems” (PEACHES). During this seminar, she presented her work on “Executable Explanations of Control Software for Wind Turbines,” a topic closely aligned with the themes explored within CAUSE.

Prof. Schupp’s presentation addressed a critical question: How to equip control software of a wind turbine controller with capabilities of self-explanation? One important requirement is that such an explanation must be simpler and at a different level of abstraction than the behavior being explained. The presentation proposed that online model checking, applied to a network of timed automata, can safely reduce the complexity of control software while maintaining the mutual dependencies of the feedback loop. This approach provides an executable model that supports various queries on the control’s output variables, enabling explanations that can be operationalized.

We are delighted to see the community actively engaging in discussions that shape the future of self-explaining systems.

Stay tuned for more updates on our activities and the exciting developments in this field!

For more information about the seminar, visit the Dagstuhl Seminar page.